• 7 December 2016

    7th December 2016

    It is Council’s priority to ensure that we are heading in the right strategic direction and currently there are a number of projects and programs which are being implemented that will shape the future of the municipality in years to come.

    10 Year Waste Management Strategy…

  • 22 November 2016

    22nd November 2016

    Rural residents probably need no reminder that as the wet season begins the grass and weeds can become quickly out of control. Council’s Mobile Work Force team will commence full mowing rounds in December, with the verge mower currently targeting areas that have been identified as…

  • Mayor's Message

    30th September 2016
    Engaging with the community

    A proposal to develop an aquatic facility in the Litchfield area has a lengthy history dating back as far as 1992 with no evidence to support whether there is community need and demand for an aquatic facility.

    Council is currently undertaking an…

  • January 2016

    19th January 2016

    On behalf of everyone at Litchfield Council I would like to wish you all a happy New Year. As we get back to our normal routines, it is time to turn our attention to the year ahead and think about and plan for the future, both as individuals and as a Council. We are looking forward to a…