Have you received a Litchfield Council Infringement Notice? Under certain circumstances, infringement notices issued can be disputed, which means you need to provide all relevant details when applying to help Council review your request prior to the infringement notice ‘due date’.
Dispute Requests must be submitted via email: [email protected] by completing the ‘Infringement Notice Dispute Request’ form. All fields must be completed. Partially completed forms will not be accepted.
Please note Council will only allow one dispute per infringement notice.
Download Infringement Notice Dispute Request form
Request further time to pay
You can apply in writing to Council to request further time to pay the infringement notice (prior to the due date). Council may request information or documentation in support of your request. When your request is received the Infringement Notice will be placed ‘On-Hold’ pending review of your request. Part payments of infringement notices cannot be accepted by Council.
Written submissions can be submitted via the following:
In person: To Customer Service, Litchfield Council, 7 Bees Creek Road, Bees Creek
Email: [email protected]
How will the dispute be conducted?
When undertaking the dispute process your infringement notice will be placed ‘On-Hold’ until the outcome of the dispute has been communicated to you.
Council will consider all of the available information, including:
- information collected by the issuing officer,
- photographs taken at the time of the offence,
- any correspondence sent by Council,
- circumstances outlined by you in your request (and any supporting documents),
- relevant legislation (e.g. Australian Road Rules 1999, Local Government Act 2019 and Litchfield (Dog Management) Council By-Laws 2017).
What happens next?
The dispute process can take up to 7 days. You will receive a written response advising you of the outcome.
If insufficient information is provided, we may contact you for additional details before reviewing your request. If this information is not received, a decision will be made based on the information provided.
Should the infringement notice be upheld, you will be advised of a new ‘pay by due date’ or an extension of time to make payment with the agreed ‘pay by date’.
The following outlines infringement notice options available to you, as well as action if you disregard the infringement notice/s.
OPTION 1 – Pay the Infringement Notice
You are required to pay the prescribed amount within FOURTEEN (14) days of the date the infringement notice was issued. Upon payment of the penalty the offence is expiated, and no further proceedings will be taken by Litchfield Council in respect of the offence.
Payment Options
Ensure that the infringement notice number is forwarded with your payment. If the penalty is paid by cheque, payment shall be deemed not to be made, until the cheque honoured.
In person: To Customer Service, Litchfield Council, 7 Bees Creek Road, Bees Creek
Money order: By post to Litchfield Council, PO Box 446 Humpty Doo NT 0836
By phone: 08 8983 0600
Email: [email protected]
OPTION 2 – Elect to have the matter heard in Court
If you wish for the matter to be dealt with by a court, do not pay the amount shown on the notice. Complete the section ‘Option 2 – Elect to have the matter heard in court on the reverse page of the Infringement Notice and return the notice to Litchfield Council within fourteen (14) days of the issue date. A summons will then be issued, requiring you to appear in court to be dealt with in relation to the offence.
OTHER – If you do not respond to the Infringement Notice
If you do nothing in response to the infringement notice and payment is NOT received within fourteen (14) days, a courtesy letter will be issued at an additional cost to you, pursuant to the Fines & Penalty (Recovery) Act 2001. If you do nothing in response to the courtesy letter, an enforcement order will be made by the Fines Recovery Unit.
Fines Recovery Unit Payment Plan Options
When the infringement notice is progressed to the Fines Recovery Unit, a ‘Payment Plan’ option is available for individuals who are currently working. Individuals in receipt of Centrelink can set up a ‘Payment Plan’ with Centrelink.
Withdrawal of Infringement Notice
An infringement notice may be withdrawn at any time within 14 days after it is issued.