What is the Litchfield Council Community Grants Scheme?

Council's Community Grants Scheme aims to support community projects and activities which address local needs, strengthen community relationships, build social inclusion and environmental sustainability, and enhance the well-being of Litchfield residents.

To align with these aims, the Scheme will support applications that fit with Council's Strategic Plan 2022-25, five priority areas.

There are three types of Community Grants available

  • Annual Community Grants (up to $5,000)
  • Community Initiative Grants (up to $500)
  • Youth Development Grants (up to $500)


Annual Community GrantsThe 2023/24 Annual Community Grants program has now closed.

Community Initiative Grants

Open All Year Round (until funds are exhausted)

Youth Development Grants

Open All Year Round (until funds are exhausted)


Requests are Open All Year for the following year's budget


Applications Open

August 2024

Applications Close

September 2024

Applications Assessments

October 2024


November 2024

Grant Distribution

December 2024


Information Session                   Council Chambers

To be advised


Annual Community Grants - Applications Closed

Grant amount up to $5,000

Annual Community Grants encourage new ideas, sustainable projects and activities, and build social cohesion while benefiting the Litchfield Community.

The Community Grant Guidelines provide further information about this grant. Please download and read these guidelines before applying.


Applicants must:

  • Be an incorporated group or not for profit organisation based in Litchfield or provide services, activities or projects for the Litchfield community
  • Submit the application form before the deadline
  • Be able to show how the project or activity benefits the Litchfield community
  • Have satisfactorily acquitted any previous grants from Litchfield Council
  • Have no outstanding debts with Litchfield Council
  • Be able to demonstrate they have minimal financial resources or limited ability to fundraise for the project or activity
  • Be prepared to acknowledge Council's support for the project or activity

Key Dates

The 2023/24 Annual Community Grants program has now closed.

To Apply

The 2023/24 Annual Community Grants program has now closed.

Got a question?
Email us at [email protected] or call us on (08) 8986 0600. 



Community Initiative Grants - Applications Open Now

The Community Initiatives programme provides flexibility for Council to provide funding at any time for capacity building activities within the Municipality, assist individuals representing the Litchfield area, or make donations to fundraising appeals for local, major national or international issues. 

The total pool of funding will be set each year in the Council budget with individual grants/donations/sponsorships up to a value of $500.

Applications can be made at any time of year, but must identify a need and benefit to the Litchfield Community. Applications will be assessed under delegation by the Chief Executive Officer and reported to Council on a quarterly basis.

For eligibility and more information please download the guidelines and application form.

Youth Development Grants - Application Open Now

Council recognises the significant costs associated with travelling for sport and recreation competitions as well as other training and development opportunities. The aim of the Youth Development Grants are to:

•    develop the knowledge, confidence and skills of youth
•    provide opportunities for the youth to learn and develop the tools and skills required to assist them in their future endeavours

Applicants may apply for up to:

•    $150 for NT opportunities
•    $300 for Interstate opportunities
•    $500 for International opportunities

For eligibility and more information please download the guidelines and application form.

For more information

To discuss your application or for any questions related to the Community Grants please contact Council's Community Participation Officer on (08) 8983 0600 or email [email protected]