Have you Lost Your Dog?
Should your dog escape your property or become lost, please contact Council on 8983 0600 to make a lost dog report. Your details will be entered into the lost dog register, which will assist us in identifying you as the owner should your dog be found by Council Rangers.
The following Facebook pages may be helpful as many lost and found dogs are posted on these sites:
- Top End Lost and Found (TELAF)
- Northern Territory Lost Pet Register
- Humpty Doo and Rural Areas Community
Please also refer to our Lost Dogs at Council to see if your dog is in the Council pound.
Please note, the pound opening hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.00pm. Please contact Council to make an appointment if you are bringing a dog into Council or collecting a dog from Council to ensure the Rangers are available. If you are collecting a dog, proof of ownership is required.
Have You Found a Stray Dog?
If you have found a dog within our area, please contact our office on 8983 0600 as soon as possible and Council Rangers will collect the dog.
All dogs collected by Rangers will be scanned for a microchip and returned to their owner as soon as possible. If an owner cannot be identified or contacted, the dog will be impounded by Rangers and further attempts will be made to locate the dog’s owner. Photos of impounded dogs that have no microchip or other form of identification will be placed in the Impounded Dogs Gallery and posted on the Council Facebook page.
Lost Dogs at Council
Please see the lost dogs gallery for photos of unidentified dogs currently in the Litchfield Council Pound. Please contact Council Rangers on 8983 0600 if you are the owner of one or more of these dogs to arrange a suitable time for collection.
Pound Release Fees
Registered Dog
- First impound - Nil if retrieved the same day
- Second impound - $196.50
- Third or subsequent impound - $245.50 ($196.50 + 25%)
Unregistered Dog
- First or subsequent impound - $245.50 ($196.50 + 25%) plus registration fee
Daily maintenance fees of $33.50 per day for the first 72 hours and $67.00 per day over 72 hours will apply.
For repeat offences of dogs at large, an Infringement Notice (fine) will also be issued.
If the owner of an impounded dog is identified and they fail to collect their dog from the pound, they will be issued with an Infringement Notice (fine) for abandoning a dog in accordance with Dog Management By-law 31(1).
Unclaimed Lost Dogs
Council is committed to minimising euthanasia rates and reducing the number of impounded dogs within the municipality. Where possible, Council Rangers will return a found registered dog directly to its owner rather than impounding the dog.
Unclaimed impounded dogs that are suitable for re-homing will be transferred to a re-homing organisation once they have been impounded for the prescribed period of 72 hours.