Litchfield Council’s Annual Community Grants Award Night was held last Wed 4 June. The Scheme is an initiative from Council where your recycling efforts go back to our community sporting, cultural, schools and service groups. It is one of the ways Council actively supports community organisations to contribute to community prosperity, enhancing Litchfield’s liveability and making it the best place to live in the Top End. This year we received 20 strong applications and distributed $30,000 to twelve community groups.

I wish to thank the community for their input into the Draft Municipal Plan. The pop up sessions, market stalls and media have provided a great opportunity for residents share their thoughts and ideas and to engage with Councillors and Council Officers. All submissions and feedback will be considered at the Council Meeting on 26 June and the Municipal Plan will be adopted at a Special Council Meeting 10 July.

Did someone in your family go to Taminmin High School in the 80’s and 90’s?

The Friends of the Taminmin Library are seeking your help. The group have embarked upon project to digitise early photographic history of school events. Unfortunately, some of the original records are not available. So the group is calling out to past students and community members who may have in their memorabilia Taminmin High School Year Books and personal photos from 1983 to 1989 and 1992 to 1999. Any material provided would only be held for a short time. If you can help, contact Sandra Parker at [email protected] ordrop off your contributions at the Taminmin Library, Council Office or Kezia Purick’s office.

As usual I am keen to connect with all Litchfield residents. You can contact me via email [email protected] or ph. 8983 0612.