Litchfield Council has recently committed to improving our public library to meet the needs of current and forecast population. The Council sees the Service as an important community and cultural resource that contributes to the idea that the Litchfield community is ‘the best place to live’.

Resent research and surveys indicate that the current Library is not meeting the needs of the broader population due to restrictions in space and access, and the co-location arrangement with the school library. Membership data indicates that local people are using Palmerston and Darwin Libraries rather than our own. So Council has made the decision to enter into an agreement with NTG to provide the library services for the Community.

Continued NT Government funding will cover the costs of operating from the current Taminmin location but with an improved level of service. Council plans to build on the current programs to cover our broad range demographics such as seniors, families, youth and young children. Council will also work toward exploring options including an alternative facility making the library a true Community Hub.

Congratulation to the Palmerston and Rural Seniors Committee for yet another great program of activities for the Seniors fortnight. The program presents the opportunity for Litchfield Seniors to get involved and enjoy a number of outings across the next two weeks.

Turning toward our younger citizens, the Council will host a Road Safety event on Friday 31 August at Howard Park Recreation Reserve. The event is free and will provide opportunities for children to learn road safety skills using the interactive equipment provided by Smile-A-Mile and accompanied by Hector the Cat.

If you would like to know more about upcoming projects follow us on Facebook or the 'Have Your Say' at

Contact me via email [email protected] or ph. 8983 0612.

Next Council meeting is Wednesday 15 August, at 6.30pm at the Council Chambers, Bees Creek Road.