Proposal to close section of road reserve adjacent to Sections 1817 and 5467 Hundred of Strangways.

Litchfield Council wishes to advise that in accordance with the Local Government Act and Local Government (General) Regulations it proposes to close a section of road reserve adjacent to Sections 1817 and 5467, Hundred of Strangways.

The purpose of the road closure is to facilitate the consolidation of the closed portion of road with Sections 1817 and 5467 – owned by Litchfield Council.

This proposed road closure was resolved by Council at it's 15 August 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting.

Anyone who has objections to the proposal is invited to submit comments no later than close of business Friday 28 June 2024.

Comments can be made to Council by emailing [email protected] 

Click here to view the Road Closing Notice for more information.